Winter Bridals

Makenzie + Jonah • Snowy Mountain Bridals

It’s winter. Hot chocolate, crock pot meals, fuzzy socks, and so many movies on Hulu, and of course my personal favorite, cuddling! While I love the spring and summer for the beautiful colors and fast pace lifestyle, I love winter for it’s down time. The time to slow down and enjoy little moments and remember to take time for self care. Also, it’s a great time to have movie marathons! Jacob and I have finished the Fast and Furious series and Harry Potter recently! Is it crazy that I started the Fast and Furious and Jacob started the Harry Potter?

Sometimes I do need to get out of the house though. As a photographer, winters can be great for a back end refresh for the business and time to breathe an catch up. But I personally have to make sure I don’t get any cabin fever and that I do still take time for my creative side. I needed a little creativity after a crazy fall and this shoot did just that! I love being outdoors any chance I can get, and this was right before the temperatures dropped and stayed below freezing for a few weeks. Thank goodness for this gorgeous shoot to keep me sane during my slow season!

MUA // Morgan Fay
Florals // Wild Teton Floral
Cake // The Sugar Fairy
Invites // Maren Graham
Styling // Allison Quist Koryn Rice